Sci-fi review: This is a fast-paced, action-packed movie, which pits AI-hating Atlas Shepherd against her robot-brother Harlan, who has gone amok.
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Alvorlig sygdom ved coronavirus: en gennemgang af virus patologi og effekter ved infektion
Ét år efter SARS-CoV-2, eller coronavirus, første gang ramte Danmark, har vi nu et mere klart billede af hvilke kliniske og biologiske karakteristika en infektion med corona føre med sig. Her er en gennemgang af forskellige scenarier.
At vaske hænder beskytter mod virus men hvorfor?
”Vask dine hænder tit” lyder rådet fra myndighederne i kampen mod coronavirus. Men hvorfor egentlig? Her kommer lidt om den nye coronavirus livscyklus og hvorfor håndvask med sæbe kan redde liv. Coronavirus – som egentlig hedder SARS-CoV-2 – består groft …
Welcome to my website and blog. I write about things that excite me, my research 🔬 and the biology of the body – from top to toe, silly to scientific. I also like to read non-fiction and science-fiction books and …
Aiming for Adaption – an essay on germline gene-editing
Every year the Oxford Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics has an essay competition for students. I submitted the essay below, which didn’t get selected, but having spent some time on it, I am sharing it here, in the hopes that …
Forest plot showing survival ratio’s in ggplot2 by emulating Fivethirtyeight’s theme
I am interested in what a certain gene’s overexpression means in terms of cancer patient survival. A standard way of visualizing this sort of data is using Kaplan-Meier curves, as shown below. But I really wanted an overview of many …
If a PhD is like a marathon…
I sometime hear that doing a PhD is like doing a marathon. If thats so what tricks from running applies to your PhD? Here’s my attempt at stretching the analogy as thin as possible: It’s your run The most important …
Generating an article network using rentrez and igraph in R
One thing I often find myself trying to do is to read up on relevant literature within a new field. Often it’s difficult to identify seminal papers as a new-comer, so I’ve often wondered if there would be a way …
I am interested in cancer and how it interacts with our immune system. It is my belief that to push oncology forward we must adopt new strategies. Instead of relying solely on surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, cellular therapies – where …
Welcome to my website and blog. I write about things that excite me, my research and the biology of the body – from top to toe, silly to scientific. I tweet about science and immuno-oncology at
I’m a PhD student in Professor Vincenzo Cerundolo’s lab at Oxford University, where I study tumor-immunology. I am especially interested in ways to enhance cytotoxic T-cell responses.
Please have a look around and do get in touch.